Hey, it says the "List is Empty" after I do Windows - Adressables - groups , build etcAnd when i try to save my build to a new folder, it doesnt do anything
Are you attempting to save a build for the iOS or Android platform to a new folder?
Would you be able to share any error messages that are displayed?
Can you provide more details on the steps you followed before encountering the 'List is Empty' message in Windows - Addressables - groups?
Unknown member
May 18, 2024
Replying to
Are there any error messages that are shown when you try to build the app from "File -> Build Settings -> Build"? If there are, please share them to provide additional context.
My recommendation would be to follow the guide here from start to finish, doing so will allow you to build the app:
Were you building from the source code or from the .unity package? I would recommend following these guides for building the app and addressables groups: https://docs.arway.ai/arway-sdk/building-from-the-source-code
When building, make sure the Dashboard-SDK and ARMapSession scenes are in the build.
Are you attempting to save a build for the iOS or Android platform to a new folder?
Would you be able to share any error messages that are displayed?
Can you provide more details on the steps you followed before encountering the 'List is Empty' message in Windows - Addressables - groups?